IRS Representation for Individuals

Katz and Co. provides quality IRS representation for individuals. An IRS audit can be extremely time-consuming and anxiety producing an experience for a taxpayer. It is also an extremely invasive intrusion into one’s life. The IRS auditor is not there to help you. They will bombard you with trick questions, extracting specific information that helps their case, not yours. Hiring an experienced tax accounting expert as you will find at Katz&Co will put a formidable ally between the IRS and yourself. You will not have to deal directly or be present during the auditing meetings. Working with Katz&Co you will never be “put on the spot” and forced to answer specific questions about complex difficult subjects.
IRS auditors are trained to extract more information from you than you have a legal obligation to provide. Expert IRS representation for individuals is critical in any tax issue with state or federal governments.
IRS Representation for Individuals
Here are IRS representation services Katz&Co have been successfully providing individual taxpayers for over thirty years.
Our CPAs know how to organize your return to show your position to best advantage. Before the scheduled IRS audit appointment, we will work with you to clarify and justify those areas questioned. We will help you show an auditor the information requested in a straightforward, non-confrontational factual manner.
When questioned numbers result from the taxpayer viewing tax rules in a way not initially understood by the auditor, we help present and argue for your responsible interpret.
IRS representation by Katz&Co can address your interests and best protect you from
- IRS Wage Garnishment
- IRS Liens
- IRS Installment Agreements
- Trust Fund Recovery Penalty
- Resolution of Accounts
- IRS Penalty Abatement
- Preparation of Delinquent Returns
- Analysis of IRS Records
- Penalty Abatement
- Offers in compromise
Penalties assessed by the IRS can mount up quickly sometimes doubling the amount actually owed to the IRS. Using our understanding of the tax laws and the mechanisms within the IRS available for abatement, we will provide IRS representation to you to negotiate the abatement of the penalties from the initial request through the appeal process.
We have been successful in having penalties waived in some cases where the error was inadvertent, and we have minimized overall IRS tax bills.
Proper, professional damage control can keep you from paying more in penalties and interest.
The Offer in Compromise program allows you to settle your debt with the IRS for pennies on the dollar. The program allows taxpayers to settle with the IRS on tax debt that has been incorrectly assessed or for liabilities they cannot afford to pay.
The IRS has recently announced its Fresh Start Initiative to help individuals and small business meet their tax obligations without adding unnecessary burden to taxpayers. The highlights of the initiative include:
- Reduced installment agreement requirements for taxpayers owing $50,000 or less
- Reduced installment agreement requirements for taxpayers owing payroll taxes of $25,000 or less
- Lengthened amount of time that a taxpayer can pay their balance under the installment agreement
- Expanded living expenses through the OIC program
- Lowered amount of future income required
You can find out more about our services by following the links above or e-mail or phone us for more information on IRS representation or to set up a consultative meeting in our convenient Bethesda offices